Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Powerful Priority for a Happy Life

You may have read the book or seen the movie, Tuesdays with Morrie. It is the true story of sports writer Mitch Albom, who by his own confession was a multi-tasking workaholic. His life was a series of rushed appointments, phone calls, and last minute sprints to catch flights. But then Mitch’s life starts to change when he begins meeting weekly with Morrie, his old college professor and coach. With wisdom and compassion, Morrie teaches him important life lessons:

Morrie: When we are infants we need others to survive. When we are dying we need others to survive. But here’s the secret: In between we need others even more.

Mitch: We must love one another or die.

Morrie: (Smiles with approval) Quoting Audin, huh?

Mitch: No, quoting you. I do that a lot these days. Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.

Morrie: Yeah, but do you believe that? Does it apply to you?

Mitch: I don’t know.

Morrie: If you listen to that little bird on your shoulder you’ll believe.

Mitch: It’s not that easy coach. Out in the world, it’s kind of hard to get in touch with your inner bird. Have you ever tried getting spiritual in a locker room full of jocks?

Morrie: You hate that word “spiritual” don’t you? You think it’s just “touchy feely stuff.”

Mitch: Well, I guess I just don’t understand it.

Morrie: We must love one another or die. A good student like you shouldn’t have any trouble with it.

Are your loved ones a priority in your life? Remember, children (and adults too) spell love T-I-M-E. If I followed you around for one week, would I be able to see you talking with your family? If you have children, would I see you playing and laughing with them? Or would I only see you reminding them to do their chores? How much quality time would I see you spending with them each week? If you are married, would I see you going on a date night with your spouse? All of these things are “important but not urgent” so they are easy to put off doing. Yet if you do them regularly, you’ll be happier, and so will your family.

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