Seinfeld’s Strategy for Overcoming Procrastination
June 4, 2014 by thelifecoach
Filed under Procrastination, Stress Management
Comedians don’t come more successful than Jerry Seinfeld. When asked by an aspiring comic what the secret to success was, Seinfeld said that he made it his goal to write a new joke every day when first starting out. Adorning his wall was a huge calendar that showed every day of the year. The heading […]
An Overlooked Method For Overcoming Procrastination
November 15, 2013 by thelifecoach
Filed under Procrastination, Stress Management
We hear it said time and time again. “We learn from our mistakes.” While in many cases this may be true, for someone who has struggled with procrastination for years, the negative effects of my repeated procrastination never seemed to correct my behavior. I had zero self-compassion, and guilt just added more time to my […]
Four Powerful Ways To Stop Procrastinating
September 2, 2013 by thelifecoach
Filed under Procrastination, Stress Management
If you struggle with procrastination, you know about the stress and frustration it causes. Fortunately, you can overcome this habit, once you learn the right strategies and invest some effort to put them into practice. The following four tips will help you to stay focused and get your task or project done on time. Cross […]
Funny Quotes on Procrastination
June 4, 2012 by thelifecoach
Filed under Procrastination, Stress Management
“Procrastination isn’t the problem. It’s the solution. It’s the universe’s way of saying stop, slow down, you move too fast. ” – Ellen DeGeneres Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. –Anonymous “Procrastination is my sin. It brings me nothing but sorrow. I know that I should stop […]
How To Stop Procrastinating (When All Else Fails)
May 22, 2012 by thelifecoach
Filed under Procrastination
What do you do when you’ve been procrastinating on your dream for weeks, months and even years? Perhaps you want to finish writing your book or learn how to scuba dive or save money so that you can visit Europe. You may have had these goals and dreams for years, but you are not any […]
Top Ten Quotes On Overcoming Procrastination
May 4, 2012 by thelifecoach
Filed under Procrastination
If you often procrastinate, you are not alone. Everyone procrastinates at times, and it usually doesn’t cause them too much stress. However, according to researchers, 26 percent of Americans identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. This is a large increase from 1978, when only 5 percent thought of themselves as chronic procrastinators. Almost 60 percent of […]
How to Break the Procrastination Cycle
September 7, 2011 by thelifecoach
Filed under Procrastination, Stress Management
If you’re like most people, you sometimes procrastinate on important projects, and end up feeling stressed-out. Jacqueline at chibird created a great cartoon called “Stages of Procrastination.” It made me laugh because (at some point in my life) I’ve been stuck in every one of them. Her third stage, “excuses” resonated most with me. […]
Overcoming Procrastination by Identifying Its Source
June 25, 2011 by thelifecoach
Filed under Procrastination, Stress Management
Procrastination is a problem that many people experience. Not only can it keep you from being successful, it can also cause problems with everything from your mental to your physical health. There are so many different reasons why people procrastinate. Whatever the reason, the first thing that needs to be done is to identify why […]