Stress Management

Comedians don’t come more successful than Jerry Seinfeld. When asked by an aspiring comic what the secret to success was, Seinfeld said that he made...

In yesterday’s article, I shared some of the research that showed why self-compassion is more effective for life change then self-criticism. Since self-compassion...

Are you your own worst critic? Do you motivate yourself with self-criticism and focus on the negative repercussions that will occur if you don’t get...

We hear it said time and time again. “We learn from our mistakes.” While in many cases this may be true, for someone who has struggled with procrastination...

If you struggle with procrastination, you know about the stress and frustration it causes. Fortunately, you can overcome this habit, once you learn...

Today’s technology makes learning how to stop procrastinating more of a challenge. Our cell phone rings, our text message alerts, our IM at work,...

Tennis great Arthur Ashe used a remarkably effective strategy to deal with his anger during the 1975 Masters Tennis Tournament in Stockholm, Sweden. ...

Do you ever get angry and regret what you say and do? If so, the following anger management techniques will help you avoid losing your temper: 1.) Learn...

In order to effectively manage your anger, you need to identify your initial “anger inducing” thoughts. In your first moment of anger, what thoughts...

Anger can be a helpful signal that your rights are being violated or that your needs are not being met. However, anger can become a problem, when it...
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Happiness & Success

“Clutter: to fill or litter with things in a disorderly manner; A disorderly heap or assemblage; A confused state.” -Webster’s...

Tennis star Author Ashe contracted AIDS in 1983 from a blood transfusion he received while undergoing heart surgery. He did not become bitter, but lived...

Professor Martin Seligman, Ph.D., author of Learned Optimism and Authentic Happiness has conducted extensive research on optimism and pessimism. His research...

Setting goals is the starting point for creating a wonderful life. Without goals, you will probably drift, lose valuable time, and not accomplish what...

In yesterday’s blog post, I introduced the “The S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goal Setting System.” In today’s post I will discuss the importance of setting...

In yesterday’s blog post, I discussed the importance of setting Specific goals. In today’s post I will show why it beneficial to set Meaningful...

In yesterday’s blog post, I discussed the necessity of setting Meaningful goals. In today’s post I will show why it important to create an Action...

In yesterday’s blog post, I discussed the necessity of creating a detailed Action plan when setting goals. In today’s post, I will show why it important...

In yesterday’s blog post, I discussed the importance of setting Realistic goals. In today’s post, I will show why it important to Track Your Progress. The...

In yesterday’s blog post, I discussed the importance of Tracking Your Progress when working on your goals. In today’s post, I will show why it is...
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Inspiration & Encouragement

Hundreds of research studies have shown that helping others is good for your physical and emotional health. Those who help and serve others have less stress, anxiety and depression. If you have ever received a warm glow of joy and satisfaction after helping someone then you understand why helping others is good for you. This has been... [Read more of this article]

Have you started shopping for Christmas gifts yet? I haven’t, but I‘ve started making a Christmas gift list for my family and friends. At times it can be challenging to find just the right gift for someone. But no matter what our budget is, all of us can give the “intangible” gift of unconditional love to one another. While this gift cannot... [Read more of this article]

In the summer of 1940, Hendrik Kraemer, a missionary to Indonesia spoke at a Sunday night church service in the Netherlands. Rev. Kraemer was in his native Holland when World War Two began. He, along with others, were deeply troubled because the Nazis had begun arresting their Jewish neighbors and shipping them out of the country. They had even heard... [Read more of this article]
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